Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Jan Malakhovski <>
* This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* HTTP request+response capture via `webRequest` and Chromium`s
* `debugger` APIs.
"use strict";
// Actions
function attachDebugger(tabId) {
return attachDebuggerWithSendCommands(tabId, "1.3", [["Network.enable", {}]]);
async function syncDebuggersState(tabs) {
if (tabs === undefined)
tabs = await browser.tabs.query({});
for (let tab of tabs) {
let url = getTabURL(tab, "");
let hasInFlight = false;
for (let [requestId, dreqres] of debugReqresInFlight.entries()) {
if (dreqres.tabId == {
hasInFlight = true;
let attached = tabsDebugging.has(;
let tabcfg = getOriginConfig(;
let wantAttached = hasInFlight
|| config.collecting && tabcfg.collecting
&& (url == "about:blank" || url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://"));
if (!attached && wantAttached) {
await attachDebugger(;
} else if (attached && !wantAttached) {
await detachDebugger(;
async function sleepResetTab(tabId, priority, resetFunc, preFunc, actionFunc) {
scheduleActionExtra(scheduledInternal, `reset-tab#${tabId}`, priority, 100, true, async () => {
let r;
if (resetFunc !== undefined)
r = await resetFunc(tabId);
scheduleActionExtra(scheduledInternal, `reload-tab#${tabId}`, priority, 300, true, async () => {
try {
if (preFunc !== undefined)
await preFunc(tabId);
if (actionFunc !== undefined)
await actionFunc(tabId, r);
} catch (err) {
}, false);
}, false);
function resetAndNavigateTab(tabId, url, priority) {
return sleepResetTab(tabId, priority,
navigateTabToBlank, undefined,
(tabId, _ignored) => navigateTabTo(tabId, url));
function resetAttachDebuggerAndNavigateTab(tabId, url, priority) {
return sleepResetTab(tabId, priority,
navigateTabToBlank, attachDebugger,
(tabId, _ignored) => navigateTabTo(tabId, url));
function resetAttachDebuggerAndReloadTab(tabId, priority) {
return sleepResetTab(tabId, priority,
getTabURLThenNavigateTabToBlank, attachDebugger,
function attachDebuggerAndReloadTab(tabId, priority) {
return sleepResetTab(tabId, priority,
undefined, attachDebugger,
// State
// reqres in-flight, indexed by requestId
let reqresInFlight = new Map();
// debugger's reqres in-flight, indexed by requestId
let debugReqresInFlight = new Map();
// reqres that were "completed" by the webRequest API, but might have unfinished filterResponseData filters
let reqresFinishingUp = [];
// reqres that were "completed" by the debugger
let debugReqresFinishingUp = [];
// completely finished reqres
let reqresAlmostDone = [];
let workaroundFirstRequest = true;
// Logging
function getInFlightLog() {
let res = [];
for (let [k, v] of debugReqresInFlight.entries()) {
// `.url` can be unset, see (veryEarly) in `emitDebugRequest`.
if (v.url !== undefined && !isBoringOrServerURL(v.url))
for (let [k, v] of reqresInFlight.entries())
for (let v of debugReqresFinishingUp)
for (let v of reqresFinishingUp)
for (let v of reqresAlmostDone)
return res;
// Reqres data structures
function shallowCopyOfReqres(reqres) {
return {
sessionId: reqres.sessionId,
requestId: reqres.requestId,
tabId: reqres.tabId,
fromExtension: reqres.fromExtension,
protocol: reqres.protocol,
method: reqres.method,
url: reqres.url,
documentUrl: reqres.documentUrl,
originUrl: reqres.originUrl,
errors: Array.from(reqres.errors),
requestTimeStamp: reqres.requestTimeStamp,
requestComplete: reqres.requestComplete,
requestBuggy: reqres.requestBuggy,
submitted: reqres.submitted,
responded: reqres.responded,
responseTimeStamp: reqres.responseTimeStamp,
statusLine: reqres.statusLine,
statusCode: reqres.statusCode,
reason: reqres.reason,
fromCache: reqres.fromCache,
responseComplete: reqres.responseComplete,
responseBuggy: reqres.responseBuggy,
redirectUrl: reqres.redirectUrl,
emitTimeStamp: reqres.emitTimeStamp,
function completedCopyOfReqres(reqres) {
let res = shallowCopyOfReqres(reqres);
// copy what shallowCopyOfReqres does not
res.requestHeaders = reqres.requestHeaders;
res.requestBody = reqres.requestBody;
res.formData = reqres.formData;
res.responseHeaders = reqres.responseHeaders;
// set responseBody to an empty buffer
res.responseBody = new ChunkedBuffer();
// and mark as complete, as the name implies
res.responseComplete = true;
// alno note that we ignore the filter here
return res;
function fillResponse(reqres, e) {
reqres.responded = true;
reqres.responseTimeStamp = e.timeStamp;
reqres.fromCache = e.fromCache;
reqres.statusCode = e.statusCode;
reqres.statusLine = e.statusLine;
reqres.responseHeaders = e.responseHeaders;
// In-flight reqres handling
// flush reqresFinishingUp into the reqresAlmostDone, interrupting filters
function forceFinishingUpWebRequest(predicate, updatedTabId) {
let notFinished = [];
for (let reqres of reqresFinishingUp) {
if (predicate !== undefined && !predicate(reqres)) {
// disconnect the filter, if not disconnected already
if (reqres.filter !== undefined) {
try {
} catch (e) {
delete reqres["filter"];
if (config.debugCaptures)
console.warn("CAPTURE: FORCE-UNSTUCK webRequest requestId", reqres.requestId,
"tabId", reqres.tabId,
"url", reqres.url,
"reqres", reqres);
updatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, reqres.tabId);
reqresFinishingUp = notFinished;
return updatedTabId;
// flush debugReqresFinishingUp into the reqresAlmostDone
function forceFinishingUpDebug(predicate, updatedTabId) {
let notFinished = [];
// Emit these by making up fake webRequest counterparts for them
for (let dreqres of debugReqresFinishingUp) {
if (predicate !== undefined && !predicate(dreqres)) {
if (config.debugCaptures)
console.warn("CAPTURE: FORCE-UNSTUCK debugRequest drequestId", dreqres.requestId,
"tabId", dreqres.tabId,
"url", dreqres.url,
"dreqres", dreqres);
// Turn debugging `dreqres` into a structure that can be used as a normal
// webRequest `reqres`. This is used when Chromium bugs out and forgets to
// produce the webRequest part. Essentially, this is a continuation of
// emitDebugRequest, which finishes it up to become a valid `reqres`.
dreqres.requestBuggy = true;
dreqres.requestBody = new ChunkedBuffer();
dreqres.requestComplete = dreqres.fromCache;
if (dreqres.responseBody === undefined)
dreqres.responseBody = new ChunkedBuffer();
// dreqres.responseComplete is set by emitDebugRequest
updatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, dreqres.tabId);
debugReqresFinishingUp = notFinished;
return updatedTabId;
// wait up for reqres filters to finish
function processFinishingUpWebRequest(forcing, updatedTabId) {
let notFinished = [];
for (let reqres of reqresFinishingUp) {
if (reqres.filter === undefined) {
// this reqres finished even before having a filter
updatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, reqres.tabId);
let fs = reqres.filter.status;
if (fs == "disconnected" || fs == "closed" || fs == "failed") {
// the filter is done, remove it
delete reqres["filter"];
updatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, reqres.tabId);
// the filter of this reqres is not finished yet
// try again later
reqresFinishingUp = notFinished;
if (!forcing)
return updatedTabId;
// schedule processFinishingUpWebRequest
function scheduleProcessFinishingUpWebRequest() {
if (reqresFinishingUp.length == 0 && debugReqresFinishingUp.length == 0)
// nothing to do
scheduleAction(scheduledInternal, "finishingUp", 100, () => processFinishingUpWebRequest(false));
function debugHeadersMatchScore(reqres, dreqres) {
let matching = 0;
let unmatching = 0;
function match(headers, dheaders) {
for (let dheader of dheaders) {
let name =;
let found = false;
let foundWrong = false;
for (let header of headers) {
if ( == name) {
if (getHeaderString(header) == getHeaderString(dheader)) {
found = true;
} else
foundWrong = true;
if (found)
matching += 1;
else if (foundWrong)
unmatching += 1;
match(reqres.requestHeaders, dreqres.requestHeaders);
match(reqres.responseHeaders, dreqres.responseHeaders);
let score = matching - unmatching * 1000;
if (config.debugCaptures)
console.debug("CAPTURE: debugHeadersMatchScore", score, reqres, dreqres);
return score;
// Update webRequest `reqres` with data collected in the debugging `dreqres`.
function mergeInDebugReqres(reqres, dreqres) {
if (dreqres.documentUrl !== undefined)
reqres.documentUrl = dreqres.documentUrl;
if (dreqres.requestTimeStamp < reqres.requestTimeStamp)
reqres.requestTimeStamp = dreqres.requestTimeStamp;
for (let e of dreqres.errors)
if (reqres.errors.every((v) => v !== e))
mergeInHeaders(reqres.requestHeaders, dreqres.requestHeaders);
if (!dreqres.responded)
if (dreqres.responseTimeStamp < reqres.responseTimeStamp)
reqres.responseTimeStamp = dreqres.responseTimeStamp;
if (dreqres.protocol !== undefined)
reqres.protocol = dreqres.protocol;
if (dreqres.statusCode !== undefined)
reqres.statusCode = dreqres.statusCode;
if (dreqres.reason !== undefined)
reqres.reason = dreqres.reason;
if (dreqres.fromCache)
reqres.fromCache = true;
mergeInHeaders(reqres.responseHeaders, dreqres.responseHeaders);
if (dreqres.statusCodeExtra == 304) {
// handle 304 Not Modified cached result by submitting this request twice,
// first time with 304 code and with no response body
let creqres = completedCopyOfReqres(reqres);
creqres.statusCode = 304;
// and then, again, normally
if (dreqres.responseBody !== undefined)
reqres.responseBody = dreqres.responseBody;
reqres.responseComplete = dreqres.responseComplete;
function processMatchFinishingUpWebRequestDebug(forcing, updatedTabId) {
if (debugReqresFinishingUp.length > 0 && reqresFinishingUp.length > 0) {
// match elements from debugReqresFinishingUp to elements from
// reqresFinishingUp, attach the former to the best-matching latter,
// and then push the latter to reqresAlmostDone
let notFinished = [];
for (let dreqres of debugReqresFinishingUp) {
let nurl = normalizedURL(dreqres.url);
let matching = [];
let notMatching = [];
for (let reqres of reqresFinishingUp) {
if (dreqres.tabId === reqres.tabId
&& dreqres.statusCode === reqres.statusCode
&& dreqres.method === reqres.method
&& nurl === normalizedURL(reqres.url))
if (matching.length > 0) {
let closest = matching.shift();
let score = debugHeadersMatchScore(closest, dreqres);
let diff = Math.abs(dreqres.requestTimeStamp - closest.requestTimeStamp);
while (matching.length > 0) {
let next = matching.shift();
let nscore = debugHeadersMatchScore(next, dreqres);
let ndiff = Math.abs(dreqres.requestTimeStamp - next.requestTimeStamp);
if (nscore > score || nscore == score && ndiff < diff) {
closest = next;
score = nscore;
diff = ndiff;
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: MATCHED", dreqres, closest);
mergeInDebugReqres(closest, dreqres);
updatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, closest.tabId);
} else
reqresFinishingUp = notMatching;
debugReqresFinishingUp = notFinished;
if (!forcing && reqresInFlight.size === 0 && debugReqresInFlight.size === 0) {
// NB: It is totally possible for a reqres to finish and get emitted
// from reqresInFlight while the corresponding dreqres didn't even
// start.
// So, forcefully emitting `reqresFinishingUp` at this point is likely
// to lose data.
// However, `debugReqresFinishingUp` are safe to emit.
if (debugReqresFinishingUp.length > 0)
// This means Chromium generated some debug events without
// generating the corresponding webRequest events. This actually
// happens sometimes when loading a tab in background. Chromium
// has a surprising number of bugs...
updatedTabId = forceFinishingUpDebug(undefined, updatedTabId);
if (reqresFinishingUp.length > 0) {
// This means Chromium generated some webRequests but did not
// generate corresponding debug events. This happens all the time
// as described in the NB above, but those webRequests will get
// their debug events generated later. However, when a webRequest
// is an in-browser redirect (like when uBlock Origin redirecting
// a Google Analytics .js URL to its own version) or gets
// canceled, or just at random times sometimes, no debug events
// will be emmited for it. So, to get these out of in-flight
// state, we run following.
let updatedTabId2 = updatedTabId;
scheduleActionEndgame(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp", config.workaroundChromiumDebugTimeout * 1000 + 500, () => {
// First, finish up unsent requests (which are usually redirects).
let olderThan1 = - config.workaroundChromiumDebugTimeout * 1000;
updatedTabId2 = forceFinishingUpWebRequest((r) => !r.submitted && r.emitTimeStamp <= olderThan1, updatedTabId2);
// Then, eventually, finish up the rest.
scheduleActionEndgame(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp", config.workaroundChromiumDebugTimeout * 2000 + 500, () => {
let olderThan2 = - config.workaroundChromiumDebugTimeout * 2000;
return forceFinishingUpWebRequest((r) => r.emitTimeStamp <= olderThan2, updatedTabId2);
return updatedTabId2;
// NB: not doing scheduleUpdateDisplay here, because scheduleEndgame
// below (or the function `forcing` this one) will
if (config.debugCaptures) {
if (debugReqresInFlight.size > 0 || reqresInFlight.size > 0)
console.debug("CAPTURE: still in-flight", debugReqresInFlight, reqresInFlight);
if (debugReqresFinishingUp.length > 0 || reqresFinishingUp.length > 0)
console.debug("CAPTURE: still unmatched", debugReqresFinishingUp, reqresFinishingUp);
if (!forcing)
return updatedTabId;
function scheduleProcessMatchFinishingUpWebRequestDebug() {
scheduleAction(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp", config.workaroundChromiumDebugTimeout * 1000,
let processFinishingUp = processFinishingUpWebRequest;
if (useDebugger)
processFinishingUp = processMatchFinishingUpWebRequestDebug;
function emitRequest(requestId, reqres, error, dontFinishUp) {
reqres.emitTimeStamp =;
if (reqres.formData !== undefined) {
// recover requestBody from formData
let contentType = getHeaderValue(reqres.requestHeaders, "Content-Type") || "";
let parts = contentType.split(";");
if (parts[0] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
let bodyParts = [];
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(reqres.formData)) {
`${encodeURIComponent(name)}=${encodeURIComponent(value.join("")).replace(/%20/g, "+")}`,
let enc = new TextEncoder("utf-8", { fatal: true });
} else if (parts[0] == "multipart/form-data") {
let boundary;
for (let i = 1; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if (parts[i].startsWith("boundary=")) {
boundary = parts[i].substr(9);
if (config.debugCaptures)
console.debug("CAPTURE: formData", reqres.formData);
let enc = new TextEncoder("utf-8", { fatal: true });
if (boundary !== undefined) {
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(reqres.formData)) {
let data = enc.encode("--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "\"\r\n\r\n" + value.join("") + "\r\n")
let epilog = enc.encode("--" + boundary + "--\r\n");
} else
console.warn("CAPTURE: can't recover requestBody from formData, unknown Content-Type format", contentType);
} else
console.warn("CAPTURE: can't recover requestBody from formData, unknown Content-Type format", contentType);
delete reqres["formData"];
if (error !== undefined) {
if (isUnknownError(error))
console.error("CAPTURE: emitRequest", requestId, "error", error, reqres);
if (!dontFinishUp)
// Encode debugger's headers structure into the one used by webRequest API.
function debugHeadersToHeaders(dheaders) {
if (dheaders === undefined)
return [];
let res = [];
for (let [k, v] of Object.entries(dheaders)) {
res.push({ name: k, value: v });
return res;
// update `headers` with headers from `dheaders`
function mergeInHeaders(headers, dheaders) {
for (let dheader of dheaders) {
let name =;
let found = false;
for (let header of headers) {
if ( == name) {
if (getHeaderString(header) == getHeaderString(dheader)) {
found = true;
if (!found)
return headers;
function emitDebugRequest(requestId, dreqres, withResponse, error, dontFinishUp) {
// First case: happens when a debugger gets detached very early, after
// `handleDebugRequestWillBeSent(false, ...)` but before
// `handleDebugRequestWillBeSent(true, ...)`.
// Also see (veryEarly) in `getInFlightLog`.
// Second case: ignore data, file, end extension URLs.
if (dreqres.url === undefined || isBoringOrServerURL(dreqres.url)) {
if (!dontFinishUp)
processMatchFinishingUpWebRequestDebug(false, dreqres.tabId);
// NB: We do this here, instead of any other place because Chromium
// generates debug events in different orders for different request types.
dreqres.emitTimeStamp =;
if (error !== undefined) {
if (isUnknownError(error))
console.error("CAPTURE: emitDebugRequest", requestId, "error", error, dreqres);
dreqres.requestHeaders = [];
mergeInHeaders(dreqres.requestHeaders, debugHeadersToHeaders(dreqres.requestHeadersDebug));
mergeInHeaders(dreqres.requestHeaders, debugHeadersToHeaders(dreqres.requestHeadersDebugExtra));
dreqres.responseHeaders = [];
if (dreqres.responded) {
mergeInHeaders(dreqres.responseHeaders, debugHeadersToHeaders(dreqres.responseHeadersDebug));
mergeInHeaders(dreqres.responseHeaders, debugHeadersToHeaders(dreqres.responseHeadersDebugExtra));
if (!config.debugCaptures) {
delete dreqres["requestHeadersDebug"];
delete dreqres["requestHeadersDebugExtra"];
delete dreqres["responseHeadersDebug"];
delete dreqres["responseHeadersDebugExtra"];
if (withResponse === true) {
browser.debugger.sendCommand({ tabId: dreqres.tabId }, "Network.getResponseBody", { requestId }).then((res) => {
if (res.base64Encoded)
dreqres.responseBody = unBase64(res.body);
dreqres.responseBody = res.body;
dreqres.responseComplete = error === undefined;
}, (err) => {
if (typeof err === "string") {
if (err.startsWith("Debugger is not attached to the tab with id:")
|| err.startsWith("Detached while handling command.")) {
} else if (err.startsWith("Cannot access contents of url")) {
}).finally(() => {
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: CAPTURED debugRequest drequestId", dreqres.requestId,
"tabId", dreqres.tabId,
"url", dreqres.url,
"dreqres", dreqres);
if (!dontFinishUp)
processMatchFinishingUpWebRequestDebug(false, dreqres.tabId);
} else {
dreqres.responseComplete = error === undefined;
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: CAPTURED debugRequest drequestId", dreqres.requestId,
"tabId", dreqres.tabId,
"url", dreqres.url,
"dreqres", dreqres);
if (!dontFinishUp)
processMatchFinishingUpWebRequestDebug(false, dreqres.tabId);
function emitTabInFlightWebRequest(tabId, reason) {
for (let [requestId, reqres] of Array.from(reqresInFlight.entries())) {
if (tabId === null || reqres.tabId === tabId)
emitRequest(requestId, reqres, "webRequest::" + reason, true);
function emitTabInFlightDebug(tabId, reason) {
for (let [requestId, dreqres] of Array.from(debugReqresInFlight.entries())) {
if (tabId === null || dreqres.tabId === tabId)
emitDebugRequest(requestId, dreqres, false, "debugger::" + reason, true);
function stopInFlight(tabId, reason, updatedTabId) {
if (useDebugger)
emitTabInFlightDebug(tabId, reason);
emitTabInFlightWebRequest(tabId, reason);
updatedTabId = processFinishingUp(true, tabId);
if (useDebugger)
updatedTabId = forceFinishingUpDebug((r) => tabId === null || r.tabId === tabId, updatedTabId);
updatedTabId = forceFinishingUpWebRequest((r) => tabId === null || r.tabId === tabId, updatedTabId);
return updatedTabId;
// NB: needs scheduleEndgame after
function syncStopInFlight(tabId) {
let updatedTabId = stopInFlight(tabId, "capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_USER");
// webRequest handlers
function logEvent(rtype, e, reqres) {
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: EVENT webRequest",
"requestId", e.requestId,
"tabId", e.tabId,
"url", e.url,
"event", e,
"reqres", reqres);
function handleBeforeRequest(e) {
let url = e.url;
// Ignore data, file, and extension URLs as wel as all request to the
// archiving/replay server.
// NB: `file:` URLs only happen on Chromium, Firefox does not emit any
// `webRequest` events for those.
if (isBoringOrServerURL(url))
let initiator;
if (isDefinedURL(e.documentUrl))
initiator = e.documentUrl; // Firefox
else if (isDefinedURL(e.initiator) && e.initiator !== "null")
initiator = e.initiator; // Chromium
let fromExtension = false;
if (initiator !== undefined) {
// ignore our own requests
if (initiator.startsWith(selfURL) // Firefox
|| (initiator + "/") == selfURL) // Chromium
// request originates from another extension
if (isExtensionURL(initiator))
fromExtension = true;
let options = getOriginConfig(e.tabId, fromExtension);
let workOffline = config.workOffline || options.workOffline;
// ignore this request if archiving is disabled
if (!config.collecting || !options.collecting) {
if (workOffline)
return { cancel: true };
logEvent("BeforeRequest", e, undefined);
// Should we generate and then immediately cancel this reqres?
let reject = false;
// On Chromium, cancel all requests from a tab that is not yet debugged,
// start debugging, and then reload the tab.
if (useDebugger && e.tabId !== -1
&& !tabsDebugging.has(e.tabId)
&& (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://"))) {
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.warn("CAPTURE: canceling and restarting request to", url, "as tab", e.tabId, "is not managed yet");
if (e.type == "main_frame") {
// attach debugger and reload the main frame
// not using
// resetAttachDebuggerAndNavigateTab(e.tabId, url).catch(logError);
// or
// resetAttachDebuggerAndReloadTab(e.tabId).catch(logError);
// bacause they reset the referrer
return { cancel: true };
} else
// cancel it, but generate a reqres for it, so that it would be
// logged
reject = true;
// On Firefox, cancel the very first navigation request, redirect the tab
// to `about:blank`, and then reload the tab with the original URL to
// work-around a Firefox bug where it will fail to run `onstop` for the
// `filterResponseData` of the very first request, thus breaking it.
if (!useDebugger && workaroundFirstRequest && !workOffline) {
workaroundFirstRequest = false;
if (config.workaroundFirefoxFirstRequest
&& e.tabId !== -1
&& initiator === undefined
&& e.type == "main_frame"
&& (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://"))) {
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.warn("CAPTURE: canceling and restarting request to", url, "to workaround a bug in Firefox");
resetAndNavigateTab(e.tabId, url).catch(logError);
return { cancel: true };
let tabId = e.tabId;
let requestId = e.requestId;
let reqres = {
method: e.method,
errors: [],
requestTimeStamp: e.timeStamp,
requestHeaders: [],
requestBody: new ChunkedBuffer(),
requestComplete: true,
submitted: false,
responded: false,
responseHeaders : [],
responseBody: new ChunkedBuffer(),
responseComplete: false,
fromCache: false,
if (isDefinedURL(e.documentUrl)
&& !e.documentUrl.startsWith(selfURL)) // just in case
reqres.documentUrl = e.documentUrl;
if (isDefinedURL(e.originUrl)
&& !e.originUrl.startsWith(selfURL)) // do not leak extension id when using config.workaroundFirefoxFirstRequest
reqres.originUrl = e.originUrl; // Firefox
else if (isDefinedURL(e.initiator)
&& e.initiator !== "null"
&& !e.initiator.startsWith(selfURL)) // just in case
reqres.originUrl = e.initiator; // Chromium
if (e.requestBody !== undefined && e.requestBody !== null) {
if (e.requestBody.raw !== undefined) {
let raw = e.requestBody.raw;
let complete = true;
for (let i = 0; i < raw.length; ++i) {
let el = raw[i].bytes;
if (el === undefined) {
complete = false;
reqres.requestBody.push(new Uint8Array(el));
reqres.requestComplete = complete;
} else if (e.requestBody.formData !== undefined) {
reqres.formData = e.requestBody.formData;
reqres.requestComplete = false;
if (reject || workOffline) {
if (reject)
if (workOffline)
return { cancel: true };
if (!useDebugger) {
// Firefox
let filter = browser.webRequest.filterResponseData(requestId);
filter.onstart = (event) => {
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: filterResponseData", requestId, "started");
filter.ondata = (event) => {
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: filterResponseData", requestId, "chunk",;
reqres.responseBody.push(new Uint8Array(;
filter.onstop = (event) => {
if (config.debugCaptures)"CAPTURE: filterResponseData", requestId, "finished");
reqres.responseComplete = true;
scheduleProcessFinishingUpWebRequest(); // in case we were waiting for this filter
filter.onerror = (event) => {
if (filter.error !== "Invalid request ID") {
// if filter was actually started
let error = "filterResponseData::" + filter.error;
if (isUnknownError(error))
console.error("CAPTURE: filterResponseData", requestId, "error", error);
scheduleProcessFinishingUpWebRequest(); // in case we were waiting for this filter
reqres.filter = filter;
reqresInFlight.set(requestId, reqres);
broadcastToState(tabId, "newInFlight", () => [makeLoggable(reqres)]);
scheduleUpdateDisplay(true, tabId);
function handleBeforeSendHeaders(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("BeforeSendHeaders", e, reqres);
function handleSendHeaders(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("SendHeaders", e, reqres);
reqres.submitted = true;
reqres.requestHeaders = e.requestHeaders;
function handleHeadersRecieved(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("HeadersRecieved", e, reqres);
if (reqres.responded) {
// the browser can call this multiple times for the same request, e.g.
// when sending If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match and receiving
// 304 response.
// So, we emit a completed copy of this with an empty response body
let creqres = completedCopyOfReqres(reqres);
emitRequest(e.requestId, creqres);
// and continue with the old one (not vice versa, because the filter
// refers to the old one, and changing that reference would be
// impossible, since it's asynchronous)
reqresInFlight.set(e.requestId, reqres);
fillResponse(reqres, e);
function handleBeforeRedirect(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("BeforeRedirect", e, reqres);
reqres.redirectUrl = e.redirectUrl;
reqres.responseComplete = true;
if (!reqres.responded) {
// This happens when a request gets redirected right after
// `handleBeforeRequest` by the browser itself, by another extension,
// or a service/shared worker.
let firefoxInternalRedirect = !useDebugger && e.statusCode === 0;
let firefoxExtensionRedirectToSelf = !useDebugger && (e.statusCode < 300 || e.statusCode >= 400) && isExtensionURL(e.redirectUrl);
if (firefoxInternalRedirect || firefoxExtensionRedirectToSelf) {
// Work around internal Firefox redirects giving no codes and
// statuses or extensions redirecting to their local files under
// Firefox.
reqres.generated = true;
reqres.responded = true;
reqres.responseTimeStamp = e.timeStamp;
reqres.fromCache = false;
reqres.statusCode = 307;
reqres.reason = "Internal Redirect";
reqres.responseHeaders = [
{ name: "Location", value: e.redirectUrl }
// these give no data, usually
if (firefoxExtensionRedirectToSelf)
reqres.responseComplete = false;
} else
fillResponse(reqres, e);
emitRequest(e.requestId, reqres);
// after this it will go back to handleBeforeRequest, so we don't need to
// copy anything here
function handleAuthRequired(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("AuthRequired", e, reqres);
// similarly to above
let creqres = completedCopyOfReqres(reqres);
emitRequest(e.requestId, creqres);
// after this it will goto back to handleBeforeSendHeaders, so
reqresInFlight.set(e.requestId, reqres);
function handleCompleted(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("Completed", e, reqres);
if (!reqres.responded) {
// This happens when a request gets fulfilled by another extension or
// a service/shared worker.
reqres.generated = true;
fillResponse(reqres, e);
emitRequest(e.requestId, reqres);
function handleErrorOccurred(e) {
let reqres = reqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (reqres === undefined) return;
logEvent("ErrorOccured", e, reqres);
if (!reqres.responded) {
// This happens when a request gets started as normal, but then the
// loading gets interrupted by another extension or a service/shared
// worker.
reqres.generated = true;
reqres.fromCache = e.fromCache;
// NB: Not setting `reqres.responded`, nor `reqres.responseTimeStamp` here.
// NB: This then continues to (raceCondition).
emitRequest(e.requestId, reqres, "webRequest::" + e.error);
function initCapture() {
let filterAllR = { urls: ["<all_urls>"] };
if (useBlocking)
browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(catchAll(handleBeforeRequest), filterAllR, ["blocking", "requestBody"]);
browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(catchAll(handleBeforeRequest), filterAllR, ["requestBody"]);
browser.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener(catchAll(handleBeforeSendHeaders), filterAllR);
browser.webRequest.onSendHeaders.addListener(catchAll(handleSendHeaders), filterAllR, ["requestHeaders"]);
browser.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(catchAll(handleHeadersRecieved), filterAllR, ["responseHeaders"]);
browser.webRequest.onBeforeRedirect.addListener(catchAll(handleBeforeRedirect), filterAllR, ["responseHeaders"]);
browser.webRequest.onAuthRequired.addListener(catchAll(handleAuthRequired), filterAllR);
browser.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener(catchAll(handleCompleted), filterAllR, ["responseHeaders"]);
browser.webRequest.onErrorOccurred.addListener(catchAll(handleErrorOccurred), filterAllR);
// Debugger handlers
function logDebugEvent(rtype, nonExtra, e, dreqres) {
if (config.debugCaptures) {
let url;
if (e.request !== undefined)
url = e.request.url;"CAPTURE: EVENT debugRequest",
rtype + (nonExtra ? "" : "ExtraInfo"),
"drequestId", e.requestId,
"tabId", e.tabId,
"url", url,
"event", e,
"dreqres", dreqres);
function handleDebugRequestWillBeSent(nonExtra, e) {
// don't do anything if we are globally disabled
if (!config.collecting) return;
popSingletonTimeout(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp");
logDebugEvent("requestWillBeSent", nonExtra, e, undefined);
let tabId = e.tabId;
let dreqres = cacheSingleton(debugReqresInFlight, e.requestId, () => { return {
requestId: e.requestId,
fromExtension: false, // most likely
//method: undefined,
//url: undefined,
//documentUrl: undefined,
//originUrl: undefined,
errors: [],
//requestHeaders: undefined,
//requestHeadersDebug: undefined,
//requestHeadersDebugExtra: undefined,
//requestBody: undefined,
//requestComplete: false,
submitted: false,
responded: false,
//responseTimeStamp: undefined,
//protocol: undefined, // on Chromium is a part of the response, not the request
//statusCode: undefined,
//reason: undefined,
//responseHeaders : undefined,
//responseHeadersDebug: undefined,
//responseHeadersDebugExtra: undefined,
//responseBody: undefined,
responseComplete: false,
fromCache: false,
}; });
if (nonExtra) {
dreqres.requestTimeStamp = e.wallTime * 1000;
dreqres.method = e.request.method;
dreqres.url = e.request.url;
if (isDefinedURL(e.documentURL))
dreqres.documentUrl = e.documentURL;
dreqres.requestHeadersDebug = e.request.headers;
broadcastToStateWhen(!isBoringOrServerURL(dreqres.url), tabId, "newInFlight", () => [makeLoggable(dreqres)]);
} else {
if (dreqres.requestTimeStamp === undefined)
dreqres.requestTimeStamp =;
dreqres.requestHeadersDebugExtra = e.headers;
scheduleUpdateDisplay(true, tabId);
function handleDebugResponseRecieved(nonExtra, e) {
let dreqres = debugReqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (dreqres === undefined) return;
popSingletonTimeout(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp");
logDebugEvent("responseReceived", nonExtra, e, dreqres);
dreqres.submitted = true;
dreqres.responded = true;
if (nonExtra) {
dreqres.responseTimeStamp = e.response.responseTime;
let protocol = e.response.protocol.toUpperCase();
if (protocol == "H3" || protocol == "H3C")
dreqres.protocol = "HTTP/3.0";
else if (protocol == "H2" || protocol == "H2C")
dreqres.protocol = "HTTP/2.0";
dreqres.protocol = protocol;
dreqres.statusCode = e.response.status;
dreqres.reason = e.response.statusText;
dreqres.responseHeadersDebug = e.response.headers;
} else {
if (dreqres.responseTimeStamp === undefined)
dreqres.responseTimeStamp =;
if (dreqres.statusCode === undefined)
dreqres.statusCode = e.statusCode;
dreqres.statusCodeExtra = e.statusCode;
dreqres.responseHeadersDebugExtra = e.headers;
if (redirectStatusCodes.has(e.statusCode))
// If this is a redirect request, emit it immediately, because
// there would be neither nonExtra, nor handleDebugLoadingFinished event
// for it
emitDebugRequest(e.requestId, dreqres, false);
// can't do the same for 304 Not Modified, because it needs to
// accumulate both extra and non-extra data first to match to
// reqresFinishingUp requests, and it does get handleDebugLoadingFinished
function handleRequestServedFromCache(e) {
let dreqres = debugReqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (dreqres === undefined) return;
popSingletonTimeout(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp");
logDebugEvent("requestServedFromCache", true, e, dreqres);
dreqres.fromCache = true;
function handleDebugLoadingFinished(e) {
let dreqres = debugReqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (dreqres === undefined) return;
popSingletonTimeout(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp");
logDebugEvent("loadingFinished", true, e, dreqres);
emitDebugRequest(e.requestId, dreqres, true);
function handleDebugLoadingFailed(e) {
let dreqres = debugReqresInFlight.get(e.requestId);
if (dreqres === undefined) return;
popSingletonTimeout(scheduledCancelable, "debugFinishingUp");
logDebugEvent("loadingFailed", true, e, dreqres);
if (e.canceled === true) {
emitDebugRequest(e.requestId, dreqres, false, "debugger::" + (e.errorText ? e.errorText : "net::ERR_CANCELED"));
} else if (e.blockedReason !== undefined && e.blockedReason !== "") {
emitDebugRequest(e.requestId, dreqres, false, "debugger::net::ERR_BLOCKED::" + e.blockedReason);
} else
emitDebugRequest(e.requestId, dreqres, true, "debugger::" + e.errorText);
function handleDebugEvent(debuggee, method, params) {
switch (method) {
case "Network.requestWillBeSent":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
handleDebugRequestWillBeSent(true, params);
case "Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
handleDebugRequestWillBeSent(false, params);
case "Network.responseReceived":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
handleDebugResponseRecieved(true, params);
case "Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
handleDebugResponseRecieved(false, params);
case "Network.requestServedFromCache":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
case "Network.loadingFinished":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
case "Network.loadingFailed":
params.tabId = debuggee.tabId;
//case "Fetch.requestPaused":
// console.warn("CAPTURE: FETCH", params);
// browser.debugger.sendCommand(debuggee, "Fetch.continueRequest", { requestId: params.requestId });
// break;
case "Inspector.detached":
case "Network.dataReceived":
case "Network.resourceChangedPriority":
// ignore
console.warn("CAPTURE: debugger said", debuggee, method, params);
function handleDebugDetach(debuggee, reason) {
let logfunc = reason !== "target_closed" ? console.warn : (config.debugRuntime ? console.debug : undefined);
if (logfunc !== undefined)
logfunc("CAPTURE: debugger detached unexpectedly from", debuggee, "reason", reason);
let tabId = debuggee.tabId;
if (tabId !== undefined) {
// Unfortunately, this means all in-flight reqres of this tab are broken now
let updatedTabId = stopInFlight(tabId, "capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_DETACHED_DEBUGGER");
if (config.collecting && reason !== "target_closed")
// In Chrome, it's pretty easy to click the notification or press
// Escape while doing Control+F and detach the debugger, so let's
// reattach it immediately
setTimeout(() => attachDebugger(tabId).catch(logErrorExceptWhenStartsWith("No tab with given id")), 1);
async function initDebugCapture(tabs) {
await syncDebuggersState(tabs);