Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Jan Malakhovski <>
* This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Global notifications generator.
"use strict";
// flags
// do we have a newly- or recently failed to be stashed or saved/archived to local storage reqres?
let gotNewSyncedOrNot = false;
// do we have a newly- or recently failed to be archived reqres?
let gotNewArchivedOrNot = false;
// do we need to show empty queue notification?
let wantArchiveDoneNotify = true;
// do we have new queued reqres?
let gotNewQueued = false;
// do we have new reqres in limbo?
let gotNewLimbo = false;
// last time we notified the user about it
let gotNewLimboLastNotification = 0;
// do we have new problematic reqres?
let gotNewProblematic = false;
// do we have new buggy reqres?
let gotNewErrored = false;
function formatFailures(why, list, recoverable) {
let parts = [];
let someUnrecoverable = false;
let allUnrecoverable = true;
for (let [reason, unarchived] of list) {
someUnrecoverable = someUnrecoverable || !unarchived.recoverable;
allUnrecoverable = allUnrecoverable && !unarchived.recoverable;
parts.push(`- ${why} ${unarchived.queue.length} reqres because ${reason}.`);
if (someUnrecoverable && recoverable) {
let recoverHow = `to retry them you will have to press the "Retry" button on the "Queued/Failed" line in the popup`;
if (allUnrecoverable)
parts.push(`\nNone of these will be retried automatically, ${recoverHow}.`)
parts.push(`\nSome of these will not be retried automatically, ${recoverHow}.`)
return parts.join("\n");
async function notifyAboutUnarchived(id, why, rrUnarchived) {
for (let [storeID, byReasonMap] of rrUnarchived) {
let where;
if (storeID === "exportAs")
where = "Export via `saveAs`";
else if (storeID === "localStorage")
where = "Browser's local storage";
where = `Archiving server at ${storeID}`;
await browser.notifications.create(`error-${id}-${storeID}`, {
title: "Hoardy-Web: FAILED",
message: escapeNotification(config, `${where}:\n${formatFailures(why, byReasonMap.entries(), true)}`),
iconUrl: iconURL("failed", 128),
type: "basic",
async function doGlobalNotify() {
// record the current state, because the rest of this chunk is async
let rrErrored = Array.from(reqresErroredIssueAcc[1].entries());
let rrUnstashed = Array.from(reqresUnstashedIssueAcc[1].entries());
let rrUnarchived = Array.from(reqresUnarchivedIssueAcc[1].entries());
if (gotNewErrored && rrErrored.length > 0) {
gotNewErrored = false;
await browser.notifications.create("error-errored", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: ERROR",
message: escapeNotification(config, `Some internal errors:\n${formatFailures("Failed to process", rrErrored)}`),
iconUrl: iconURL("error", 128),
type: "basic",
} else if (rrErrored.length === 0)
// clear stale
await browser.notifications.clear("error-errored");
if (gotNewQueued && reqresQueue.length > 0) {
gotNewQueued = false;
if (config.archiveStuckNotify && !config.archive && !config.stash) {
await browser.notifications.create("warning-notSaving", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: WARNING",
message: escapeNotification(config, "Some reqres are waiting in the archival queue, but both reqres stashing and archiving are disabled."),
iconUrl: iconURL("archiving", 128),
type: "basic",
} else if (config.archive || config.stash)
// clear stale
await browser.notifications.clear("warning-notSaving");
if (gotNewSyncedOrNot && rrUnstashed.length > 0) {
gotNewSyncedOrNot = false;
if (config.archiveFailedNotify) {
// generate a new one
await browser.notifications.create("error-unstashed", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: FAILED",
message: escapeNotification(config, `For browser's local storage:\n${formatFailures("Failed to stash", rrUnstashed, true)}`),
iconUrl: iconURL("failed", 128),
type: "basic",
} else if (rrUnstashed.length === 0)
// clear stale
await browser.notifications.clear("error-unstashed");
if (gotNewArchivedOrNot) {
gotNewArchivedOrNot = false;
// get shown notifications
let all_ = await browser.notifications.getAll();
let all = Object.keys(all_);
// clear stale
for (let label in all) {
if (!label.startsWith("error-unarchived-"))
let storeID = label.substr(17);
if (rrUnarchived.every((e) => e[0] !== storeID))
await browser.notifications.clear(label);
if (config.archiveFailedNotify)
// generate new ones
await notifyAboutUnarchived("unarchived", "Failed to archive", rrUnarchived);
let isDone = rrUnstashed.length === 0 && rrUnarchived.length === 0;
if (wantArchiveDoneNotify && isDone && reqresQueue.length === 0) {
wantArchiveDoneNotify = false;
if (config.archiveDoneNotify) {
// generate a new one
await browser.notifications.create("ok-done", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: OK",
message: escapeNotification(config, "Archiving appears to work OK!\n\nThis message won't be repeated unless something breaks." + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... newly empty archival queue")),
iconUrl: iconURL("idle", 128),
type: "basic",
let now =;
let fatLimbo = reqresLimbo.length > config.limboMaxNumber
|| reqresLimboSize > config.limboMaxSize * MEGABYTE;
if (fatLimbo && gotNewLimbo && (now - gotNewLimboLastNotification) > config.limboNotifyInterval * 1000) {
gotNewLimbo = false;
if (config.limboNotify) {
gotNewLimboLastNotification = now;
// generate a new one
await browser.notifications.create("warning-fatLimbo", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: WARNING",
message: escapeNotification(config, `Too much stuff in limbo, collect or discard some of those reqres to reduce memory consumption and improve browsing performance.` + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... too much stuff in limbo")),
iconUrl: iconURL("limbo", 128),
type: "basic",
} else if (!fatLimbo)
// clear stale
await browser.notifications.clear("warning-fatLimbo");
if (gotNewProblematic && reqresProblematic.length > 0) {
gotNewProblematic = false;
if (config.problematicNotify) {
// generate a new one
// make a log of no more than `problematicNotifyNumber`
// elements, merging those referencing the same URL
let latest = new Map();
for (let i = reqresProblematic.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
let loggable = reqresProblematic[i][0];
let tabcfg = getOriginConfig(loggable.tabId, loggable.fromExtension);
if (!tabcfg.problematicNotify)
let desc = (loggable.method ? loggable.method : "?") + " " + loggable.url;
let l = latest.get(desc);
if (l === undefined) {
if (latest.size < config.problematicNotifyNumber)
latest.set(desc, 1);
} else
latest.set(desc, l + 1);
if (latest.size > 0) {
let latestDesc = [];
for (let [k, v] of latest.entries()) {
if (k.length < 80)
latestDesc.push(`${v}x ${k}`);
latestDesc.push(`${v}x ${k.substr(0, 80)}\u2026`);
await browser.notifications.create("warning-problematic", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: WARNING",
message: escapeNotification(config, `Have ${reqresProblematic.length} reqres marked as problematic:\n` + latestDesc.join("\n") + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... new 'problematic' reqres")),
iconUrl: iconURL("problematic", 128),
type: "basic",
} else if (reqresProblematic.length === 0)
// clear stale
await browser.notifications.clear("warning-problematic");
function scheduleGlobalNotifications(timeout) {
resetSingletonTimeout(scheduledHidden, "notify", timeout, doGlobalNotify);
// NB: needs scheduleUpdateDisplay after