Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Jan Malakhovski <>
* This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Internal action scheduler.
"use strict";
let runningActions = new Set();
// scheduled cancelable functions
let scheduledCancelable = new Map();
// scheduled retries
let scheduledRetry = new Map();
// scheduled delayed functions
let scheduledDelayed = new Map();
// scheduled save state functions
let scheduledSaveState = new Map();
// scheduled internal functions
let scheduledInternal = new Map();
// scheduled internal functions hidden from the UI
let scheduledHidden = new Map();
// a list of [function, args] pairs; these are closures that need to be run synchronously
let synchronousClosures = [];
async function evalSynchronousClosures(closures, updatedTabId) {
while (closures.length > 0) {
let [name, fun, args] = closures.shift();
let key = "endgame::" + name;
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.warn("running", key);
await forceUpdateDisplay(true, updatedTabId, getGoodEpisodic(closures.length));
updatedTabId = undefined;
try {
let res = fun(...args);
if (res instanceof Promise)
await res;
} catch (err) {
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.warn("finished", key);
// syntax sugar
function runSynchronously(name, func, ...args) {
synchronousClosures.push([name, func, args]);
function runSynchronouslyWhen(condition, name, func, ...args) {
if (condition)
return runSynchronously(name, func, ...args);
// actions
function syncRunActions() {
runSynchronously("runAll", async () => {
//await runAllSingletonTimeouts(scheduledCancelable);
await runAllSingletonTimeouts(scheduledDelayed);
await runAllSingletonTimeouts(scheduledSaveState);
function syncCancelActions() {
runSynchronously("cancelAll", async () => {
await cancelAllSingletonTimeouts(scheduledCancelable);
await cancelAllSingletonTimeouts(scheduledDelayed);
await cancelAllSingletonTimeouts(scheduledRetry);
// Stashing and archivig to browser's local storage.
// ../page/saved.js implementation
let wantBroadcastSaved = false;
let savedFilters = assignRec({}, rrfilterDefaults);
savedFilters.limit = 1024;
function setSavedFilters(rrfilter) {
savedFilters = updateFromRec(savedFilters, rrfilter);
broadcastToSaved("setSavedFilters", savedFilters);
broadcastToSaved("resetSaved", [null]); // invalidate UI
wantBroadcastSaved = true;
// other scheduleEndgame flags
let wantCheckServer = true;
let wantSaveGlobals = false;
let wantBucketSaveAs = false;
let wantRetryAllUnarchived = false;
// accumulated state
let seUpdatedTabId;
// schedule processArchiving, processAlmostDone, etc
function scheduleEndgame(updatedTabId, notifyTimeout) {
updatedTabId = seUpdatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(seUpdatedTabId, updatedTabId);
if (wantCheckServer) {
resetSingletonTimeout(scheduledHidden, "endgame", 0, async () => {
await checkServer();
scheduleEndgame(updatedTabId, notifyTimeout);
} else if (synchronousClosures.length > 0) {
resetSingletonTimeout(scheduledHidden, "endgame", 0, async () => {
await evalSynchronousClosures(synchronousClosures, updatedTabId);
scheduleEndgame(undefined, notifyTimeout);
} else if (config.archive && reqresQueue.length > 0) {
resetSingletonTimeout(scheduledHidden, "endgame", 0, async () => {
// reset
seUpdatedTabId = undefined;
await forceUpdateDisplay(true, updatedTabId);
updatedTabId = await processArchiving(updatedTabId);
scheduleEndgame(updatedTabId, notifyTimeout);
} else if (reqresAlmostDone.length > 0) {
resetSingletonTimeout(scheduledHidden, "endgame", 0, async () => {
// reset
seUpdatedTabId = undefined;
await forceUpdateDisplay(true, updatedTabId);
updatedTabId = await processAlmostDone(updatedTabId);
scheduleEndgame(updatedTabId, notifyTimeout);
} else /* if (!config.archive || reqresQueue.length == 0) */ {
resetSingletonTimeout(scheduledHidden, "endgame", 0, async () => {
// reset
seUpdatedTabId = undefined;
if (wantBroadcastSaved) {
wantBroadcastSaved = false;
scheduleAction(scheduledInternal, "readSaved", 0, loadAndBroadcastSaved(savedFilters));
// do we have some reqres in flight?
let haveInFlight = reqresInFlight.size + debugReqresInFlight.size + reqresFinishingUp.length + debugReqresFinishingUp.length > 0;
if (wantSaveGlobals) {
wantSaveGlobals = false;
// is this change un important?
let boring = (
&& (haveInFlight || (
savedGlobals.collectedTotal === globals.collectedTotal
&& savedGlobals.submittedHTTPTotal === globals.submittedHTTPTotal
&& savedGlobals.exportedAsTotal === globals.exportedAsTotal))
&& savedGlobals.stashedLS.number === globals.stashedLS.number
&& savedGlobals.stashedIDB.number === globals.stashedIDB.number
&& savedGlobals.savedLS.number === globals.savedLS.number
&& savedGlobals.savedIDB.number === globals.savedIDB.number
scheduleSaveGlobals(boring ? 90000 : (wantReloadSelf ? 0 : 1000));
if (wantBucketSaveAs) {
wantBucketSaveAs = false;
// schedule exportAs for all buckets
? config.exportAsInFlightTimeout * 1000
: (wantReloadSelf ? 0 : config.exportAsTimeout * 1000)
, null);
if (wantRetryAllUnarchived) {
wantRetryAllUnarchived = false;
// retry unarchived in 60s
scheduleGlobalNotifications(notifyTimeout !== undefined ? notifyTimeout : 1000);
scheduleUpdateDisplay(true, updatedTabId);
// Schedule a given function using `resetSingletonTimeout`. But just
// before it starts, add its name to `runningActions` and update the
// UI, after it ends, remove it from `runningActions` and run
// `scheduleEndgame` or update the UI.
// The scheduled function is experted to return `updatedTabId` value.
function scheduleActionExtra(map, key, priority, timeout, hurry, func, endgame) {
let value = resetSingletonTimeout(map, key, timeout, func, priority, hurry);
if (value === undefined)
// it was already scheduled (and might have been re-scheduled), no nothing
value.before.push(async () => {
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.warn("running", key);
await forceUpdateDisplay(true);
value.after.push(async (results) => {
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.warn("finished", key, results);
// merge results of all performed updates
let updatedTabId;
for (let res of results)
updatedTabId = mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, res)
if (endgame)
await forceUpdateDisplay(true, updatedTabId);
return value;
function scheduleAction(map, key, timeout, func) {
return scheduleActionExtra(map, key, 100, timeout, false, func, false);
function scheduleActionWhen(condition, map, key, timeout, func) {
if (condition)
return scheduleAction(map, key, timeout, func);
function scheduleActionEndgame(map, key, timeout, func) {
return scheduleActionExtra(map, key, 100, timeout, false, func, true);