Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
* Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Jan Malakhovski <>
* This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Global config and stats.
"use strict";
// default config
let configVersion = 6;
let configDefaults = {
version: configVersion,
// behavior
history: 1024,
autoReloadOnUpdates: false,
// user interface
colors: null,
colorblind: false,
seasonal: true,
season: {
halloween: null,
winter: null,
pureText: false,
animateIcon: 800,
spawnNewTabs: !isMobile,
// notifications
verbose: true,
escapeNotifications: false,
hintNotify: true,
invisibleUINotify: true,
// work offline settings
workOfflineImpure: false,
workOfflineFile: true,
workOfflineReplay: true,
workOfflineData: false,
// Firefox workarounds
workaroundFirefoxFirstRequest: true,
// Chromium workarounds
workaroundChromiumResetRootTab: true,
workaroundChromiumResetRootTabURL: "about:blank",
workaroundChromiumDebugTimeout: 3,
// persistence
// should we stash unarchived reqres to local storage?
stash: true,
// are we archiving? or temporarily paused
archive: true,
// prefer `IndexedDB` to `storage.local` for stashing and saving?
preferIndexedDB: useDebugger,
// GZip dumps written to local storage
gzipLSDumps: true,
// export via exportAs
archiveExportAs: false,
rearchiveExportAs: !isMobile,
exportAsHumanReadable: true,
exportAsBundle: true,
exportAsMaxSize: 64,
exportAsTimeout: 3,
exportAsInFlightTimeout: 60,
gzipExportAs: true,
// submission and replay via HTTP
archiveSubmitHTTP: false,
rearchiveSubmitHTTP: false,
replaySubmitHTTP: null,
submitHTTPURLBase: "",
// saving to local storage
archiveSaveLS: true,
// archiving notifications
archiveDoneNotify: true,
archiveFailedNotify: true,
archiveStuckNotify: true,
// problematic options
markProblematicPartialRequest: false,
markProblematicBuggy: true,
markProblematicCanceled: false,
markProblematicNoResponse: true,
markProblematicIncomplete: true,
markProblematicIncompleteFC: false,
markProblematicTransientCodes: true,
markProblematicPermanentCodes: false,
markProblematicWithImportantErrors: true,
markProblematicPickedWithErrors: true,
markProblematicDroppedWithErrors: false,
// problematic notifications
problematicNotify: true,
problematicNotifyNumber: 3,
// picking options
archivePartialRequest: true,
archiveBuggy: true,
archiveCanceled: false,
archiveNoResponse: false,
archiveIncompleteResponse: false,
archive1xxCodes: true,
archive3xxCodes: true,
archiveTransientCodes: true,
archivePermanentCodes: true,
archiveWithErrors: true,
// limbo notifications
limboMaxNumber: 1024,
limboMaxSize: 128,
limboNotifyInterval: 300,
limboNotify: true,
// automatic actions
autoUnmarkProblematic: false,
autoPopInLimboCollect: false,
autoPopInLimboDiscard: false,
// automatic actions notifications
autoTimeout: 1,
autoNotify: true,
// are in work offline mode?
workOffline: false,
// are we collecting new data?
collecting: true,
root: {
workOffline: false,
collecting: true,
problematicNotify: true,
limbo: false,
negLimbo: false,
stashLimbo: true,
bucket: "default",
snapshottable: true,
replayable: true,
extension: {
workOffline: false,
collecting: false,
problematicNotify: true,
limbo: false,
negLimbo: false,
stashLimbo: true,
bucket: "extension",
background: {
workOffline: false,
collecting: true,
problematicNotify: true,
limbo: false,
negLimbo: false,
stashLimbo: true,
bucket: "background",
// debugging options
ephemeral: false, // stop the config from being saved to disk
snapshotAny: false, // snapshot isBoringOrServerURL
debugRuntime: false, // log runtime events
debugCaptures: false, // log capture events
dumpCaptures: false, // log CBOR dumps
debugPersisence: false, // log stashes and archivals
discardAll: false, // drop all reqres on archival
// meta
lastSeenVersion: manifest.version,
seenChangelog: true,
seenHelp: false,
// archiving/replay server config
let serverConfigDefaults = {
baseURL: configDefaults.submitHTTPURLBase,
alive: false,
info: {
version: 0,
dump_wrr: "/pwebarc/dump",
canDump: false,
canReplay: false,
function upgradeConfig(config) {
function rename(from, to) {
let old = config[from];
if (old === undefined)
delete config[from];
config[to] = old;
switch (config.version) {
case 1:
rename("collectPartialRequests", "archivePartialRequest");
rename("collectNoResponse", "archiveNoResponse");
rename("collectIncompleteResponses", "archiveIncompleteResponse")
case 2:
// because it got updated lots
config.seenHelp = false;
case 3:
// making them disjoint
if (config.markProblematicWithErrors)
config.markProblematicPickedWithErrors = true;
rename("markProblematicWithErrors", "markProblematicDroppedWithErrors")
case 4:
// because that, essentially, was the default before, even though it is not now
config.archiveSubmitHTTP = true;
config.archiveSaveLS = false;
rename("archiving", "archive")
rename("archiveURLBase", "submitHTTPURLBase");
rename("archiveNotifyOK", "archiveDoneNotify")
rename("archiveNotifyFailed", "archiveFailedNotify")
rename("archiveNotifyDisabled", "archiveStuckNotify")
config.root.bucket = config.root.profile;
config.extension.bucket = config.extension.profile;
config.background.bucket = config.background.profile;
case 5:
if (config.exportAsMaxSize === 0) {
config.exportAsBundle = false;
config.exportAsMaxSize = configDefaults.exportAsMaxSize;
// because it got updated lots
config.seenHelp = false;
case 6:
console.warn(`Bad old config version ${config.version}, reusing values as-is without updates`);
// the following updateFromRec will do its best
config.version = configVersion;
function setServer(config) {
let res = assignRec({}, serverConfigDefaults);
let serverURL;
try {
serverURL = new URL(config.submitHTTPURLBase);
} catch (err) {
browser.notifications.create("error-server-url", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: ERROR",
message: escapeNotification(config, `Malformed \`Server URL\` \`${config.submitHTTPURLBase}\`:\n${errorMessageOf(err)}`),
iconUrl: iconURL("error", 128),
type: "basic",
// clear stale
if (serverURL.pathname == "/pwebarc/dump")
// handle old-style URLs
serverURL.pathname = "/";
// just in case = "";
serverURL.hash = "";
res.baseURL = serverURL.href;
return res;
function fixConfig(config, oldConfig, serverConfig) {
// reset to defaults
if (!config.background.bucket)
config.background.bucket = configDefaults.background.bucket;
if (!config.extension.bucket)
config.extension.bucket = configDefaults.extension.bucket;
if (!config.root.bucket)
config.root.bucket = configDefaults.root.bucket;
if (!config.submitHTTPURLBase)
config.submitHTTPURLBase = configDefaults.submitHTTPURLBase;
// clamp
config.animateIcon = clamp(100, 5000, toNumber(config.animateIcon));
config.exportAsMaxSize = clamp(1, 512, toNumber(config.exportAsMaxSize));
config.exportAsTimeout = clamp(0, 900, toNumber(config.exportAsTimeout));
config.exportAsInFlightTimeout = clamp(config.exportAsTimeout, 900, toNumber(config.exportAsInFlightTimeout));
// when more than one season is forced, reset the old ones to `null`s
let season = config.season;
let numSeasons = Array.from(Object.keys(season)).filter((k) => season[k]).length;
if (numSeasons > 1) {
for (let key of Object.keys(season))
if (season[key] === oldConfig.season[key])
season[key] = null;
// these are mutually exclusive
if (config.autoPopInLimboCollect && config.autoPopInLimboDiscard) {
if (config.autoPopInLimboCollect != oldConfig.autoPopInLimboCollect)
config.autoPopInLimboDiscard = !config.autoPopInLimboCollect;
config.autoPopInLimboCollect = !config.autoPopInLimboDiscard;
if (!config.debugRuntime && !isMobile && !config.spawnNewTabs) {
// unavailable
config.spawnNewTabs = true;
if (config.hintNotify)
browser.notifications.create("hint-configNotSupported-spawnNewTabs", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: HINT",
message: escapeNotification(config, `"Spawn internal pages in new tabs" can not be disabled on a desktop browser. See the description of that option for more info.` + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... UI hints")),
iconUrl: iconURL("main", 128),
type: "basic",
if (reqresIDB === undefined)
config.preferIndexedDB = false;
else if (!config.debugRuntime && useDebugger && !config.preferIndexedDB) {
// can not be disabled on Chromium ATM, since serialization of
// Uint8Array to `storage.local` won't work there
config.preferIndexedDB = true;
if (config.hintNotify)
browser.notifications.create("hint-configNotSupported-preferIndexedDB", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: HINT",
message: escapeNotification(config, `"Prefer \`IndexedDB\` API" can not be disabled on a Chromium-based browser. See the description of that option for more info.` + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... UI hints")),
iconUrl: iconURL("main", 128),
type: "basic",
let noArchiveExportAs = isMobile && isFirefox;
if (!config.debugRuntime && noArchiveExportAs && (config.archiveExportAs || config.rearchiveExportAs)) {
// Firefox on Android crashes with this set see "Quirks and Bugs" in ../page/
config.archiveExportAs = false;
config.rearchiveExportAs = false;
if (config.hintNotify)
browser.notifications.create("hint-configNotSupported-archiveExportAs", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: HINT",
message: escapeNotification(config, `"Export via \`saveAs\` is not supported on Firefox-based mobile browsers. See the "Help" page for more info.` + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... UI hints")),
iconUrl: iconURL("main", 128),
type: "basic",
// at lest one of these must be set
if (!(config.archiveExportAs || config.archiveSubmitHTTP || config.archiveSaveLS)) {
if (config.archiveSaveLS !== oldConfig.archiveSaveLS && !noArchiveExportAs)
config.archiveExportAs = true;
config.archiveSaveLS = true;
// to prevent surprises
if (config.archive
&& (reqresQueue.length > 0 || reqresUnarchivedIssueAcc[0].size > 0)
&& (config.archiveExportAs !== oldConfig.archiveExportAs
|| config.archiveSubmitHTTP !== oldConfig.archiveSubmitHTTP
|| config.archiveSaveLS !== oldConfig.archiveSaveLS)) {
config.archive = false;
if (config.hintNotify)
browser.notifications.create("hint-notArchivingNow", {
title: "Hoardy-Web: HINT",
message: escapeNotification(config, `"Archive \`collected\` reqres" option was disabled because the archival queue and/or the list of failed reqres are non-empty.` + annoyingNotification(config, "Generate notifications about > ... UI hints")),
iconUrl: iconURL("off", 128),
type: "basic",
if (config.submitHTTPURLBase !== oldConfig.submitHTTPURLBase)
serverConfig = setServer(config);
DEBUG_WEBEXT_RPC = DEBUG_CAYDARSC = config.debugRuntime;
return [config, serverConfig];
// persistent global variables
let globalsVersion = 1;
let persistentStatsDefaults = {
// problematicTotal is reqresProblematic.length
// total numbers of picked and dropped reqres
pickedTotal: 0,
droppedTotal: 0,
// total numbers of collected and discarded reqres
collectedTotal: 0,
collectedSize: 0,
discardedTotal: 0,
discardedSize: 0,
submittedHTTPTotal: 0,
submittedHTTPSize: 0,
exportedAsTotal: 0,
exportedAsSize: 0,
let dbstatsDefaults = { number: 0, size: 0 };
let globalsDefaults = assignRec({
version: globalsVersion,
stashedLS: assignRec({}, dbstatsDefaults),
stashedIDB: assignRec({}, dbstatsDefaults),
savedLS: assignRec({}, dbstatsDefaults),
savedIDB: assignRec({}, dbstatsDefaults),
}, persistentStatsDefaults);
function upgradeGlobals(globals) {
if (globals.version === undefined)
globals.version = 1;
return globals;
// Global state, its predicates, and persistence.
// current session ID, to prevent old reqres from being counted as belonging
// to current tabs, etc
let sessionId =;
// current config
let config = assignRec({}, configDefaults);
// last config saved in storage, will be set in `main`
let savedConfig;
// current server config
let serverConfig = assignRec({}, serverConfigDefaults);
// current global stats
let globals = assignRec({}, globalsDefaults);
// last global stats saved in storage, will be set in `main`
let savedGlobals;
async function saveConfig(force) {
if (!force && equalRec(savedConfig, config))
savedConfig = assignRec({}, config);
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.log("saving config", savedConfig);
await{ config: savedConfig }).catch(logError);
function scheduleSaveConfig(timeout, force) {
scheduleActionWhen(force || !equalRec(savedConfig, config), scheduledSaveState, "saveConfig", timeout, () => {
// NB: needs scheduleUpdateDisplay afterwards
async function saveGlobals(force) {
if (!force && equalRec(savedGlobals, globals))
savedGlobals = assignRec({}, globals);
if (config.debugRuntime)
console.log("saving globals", savedGlobals);
await{ globals: savedGlobals }).catch(logError);
await"persistentStats").catch(() => {});
await"globalStats").catch(() => {});
function scheduleSaveGlobals(timeout, force) {
scheduleActionWhen(force || !equalRec(savedGlobals, globals), scheduledSaveState, "saveGlobals", timeout, () => {
// NB: needs scheduleUpdateDisplay afterwards
async function resetPersistentStats() {
globals = updateFromRec(globals, persistentStatsDefaults);
await saveGlobals();
function isServerURL(url) {
return url.startsWith(serverConfig.baseURL);
function isBoringOrServerURL(url) {
return isBoringURL(url) || isServerURL(url);