Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
* Copyright (c) 2024-2025 Jan Malakhovski <>
* This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Some utility functions and constants specific to `Hoardy-Web`.
* This file exists to prevent duplication between the core and the UI
* parts of `Hoardy-Web`.
"use strict";
class StopIteration extends Error {}
function pushFirstTo(archivables, res) {
for (let [v, _x] of archivables) {
return res;
// see
// and
let redirectStatusCodes = new Set([301, 302, 303, 307, 308]);
let transientStatusCodes = new Set([
401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 408, 409,
412, 416, 418, 421, 423, 424, 425,
426, 429, 451,
500, 502, 503, 504, 507, 511,
// unofficial ones
419, 440, 450, 495, 496,
509, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525,
526, 530, 540, 598, 599,
// internal URLs
let selfURL = browser.runtime.getURL("/");
let popupPageURL = browser.runtime.getURL("/page/popup.html");
let changelogPageURL = browser.runtime.getURL("/page/changelog.html");
let helpPageURL = browser.runtime.getURL("/page/help.html");
let statePageURL = browser.runtime.getURL("/page/state.html");
let savedPageURL = browser.runtime.getURL("/page/saved.html");
function iconPath(name, size) {
if (useSVGIcons)
return `/icon/${name}.svg?v=${manifest.version}`;
return `/icon/${size}/${name}.png?v=${manifest.version}`;
function iconURL(name, size) {
return browser.runtime.getURL(iconPath(name, size));
function mkIcons(what) {
return {
128: iconPath(what, 128),
function getStateTabIdOrTabId(tab) {
return getMapURLParam(statePageURL, "tab", new URL(getTabURL(tab, "")), toNumber,,;
function showChangelog(...args) {
return showInternalPageAtNode(changelogPageURL, ...args);
function showHelp(...args) {
return showInternalPageAtNode(helpPageURL, ...args);
function showState(tabId, ...args) {
return showInternalPageAtNode(statePageURL + (tabId !== null ? `?tab=${tabId}` : ""), ...args);
function showSaved(...args) {
return showInternalPageAtNode(savedPageURL, ...args);
function broadcastToPopup(...args) {
return broadcastToName(true, "popup", ...args);
function broadcastToHelp(...args) {
return broadcastToName(true, "help", ...args);
function broadcastToState(tabId, ...args) {
if (tabId === undefined)
// nothing to do
if (tabId === null)
// broadcast to all
return broadcastToNamePrefix(true, "state", ...args);
// broadcast to per-tab pages
let [lazy, res] = broadcastToNamePrefix(true, `state#${tabId}`, ...args);
// and to the global ones
return broadcastToName(lazy, "state", ...res);
function broadcastToStateWhen(condition, ...args) {
if (condition)
return broadcastToState(...args);
function broadcastToSaved(...args) {
return broadcastToName(true, "saved", ...args);
function setPageLoading() {
document.getElementById("body_loading").innerHTML = "<p>Loading...</p>";
function setPageSettling() {
document.getElementById("body_loading").innerHTML = "<p>Waiting for the core to settle...</p>";
function setPageLoaded() {
document.getElementById("body_loading").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("body").style.display = "block";
function setPageError(error) {
document.getElementById("body_loading").style.display = "none";
let be = document.getElementById("body_error");
be.innerHTML = `
<h1>This page failed to initialize</h1>
<div id="body_exception"><h2>Exception</h2></div>
<h2>To see more details</h2>
<li>On Firefox-based browser: go to <code>about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox</code>, click "Inspect" button on "Hoardy-Web", select "Console"</li>
<li>On Chromium-based browser: go to <code>chrome://extensions/</code>, click "Inspect views" link on "Hoardy-Web", select "Console"</li>
let p = document.createElement("pre");
p.innerText = errorMessageOf(error);
document.getElementById("body_exception").appendChild(p); = "block";
function setRootClasses(config) {
let dark = config.colors;
let dnow = new Date();
let dm = dnow.getMonth() + 1; // JavaScript is ridiculous
let dd = dnow.getDate();
let season = config.season;
function can(name) {
return config.seasonal
&& season[name] !== false
&& Array.from(Object.keys(season)).every((k) => k === name || season[k] !== true);
let halloween = can("halloween") &&
(dm === 10 && dd >= 30 || dm === 11 && dd <= 1 || season.halloween === true);
let winter = can("winter") &&
(dm === 12 && dd >= 20 || dm === 1 && dd <= 8 || season.winter === true);
if (halloween || winter)
dark = true;
else if (dark === null) {
let dquery = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");
if (dquery.matches)
dark = true;
let droot = getRootNode(document);
setConditionalClass(droot, "dark", dark);
setConditionalClass(droot, "light", !dark);
setConditionalClass(droot, "colorblind", config.colorblind);
setConditionalClass(droot, "season", halloween || winter);
setConditionalClass(droot, "halloween", halloween);
setConditionalClass(droot, "winter", winter);
return droot;
function isUnknownError(error) {
if (useDebugger && (error === "webRequest::net::ERR_ABORTED"
|| error === "webRequest::net::ERR_CANCELED"
|| error === "webRequest::net::ERR_FAILED"
|| error === "webRequest::net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT"
|| error === "webRequest::net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED"
|| error === "webRequest::capture::CANCELED::NO_DEBUGGER"
|| error === "webRequest::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_CLOSED_TAB"
|| error === "webRequest::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_DETACHED_DEBUGGER"
|| error === "webRequest::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_USER"
|| error === "debugger::net::ERR_ABORTED"
|| error === "debugger::net::ERR_CANCELED"
|| error === "debugger::net::ERR_FAILED"
|| error === "debugger::net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT"
|| error === "debugger::net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED"
|| error === "debugger::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_CLOSED_TAB"
|| error === "debugger::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_DETACHED_DEBUGGER"
|| error === "debugger::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_USER"
|| error === "debugger::capture::NO_RESPONSE_BODY::DETACHED_DEBUGGER"
|| error === "debugger::capture::NO_RESPONSE_BODY::ACCESS_DENIED"
|| error === "debugger::capture::NO_RESPONSE_BODY::OTHER"
|| error.startsWith("debugger::net::ERR_BLOCKED::")))
// Chromium
return false;
else if (!useDebugger && (error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_ABORT"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_BINDING_ABORTED"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_NET_ON_WAITING_FOR"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_NET_ON_RESOLVED"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_NET_ON_SENDING_TO"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_NET_PARTIAL_TRANSFER"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_IMAGELIB_ERROR_FAILURE"
|| error === "webRequest::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_CLOSED_TAB"
|| error === "webRequest::capture::EMIT_FORCED::BY_USER"
|| error === "filterResponseData::Channel redirected"))
// Firefox
return false;
return true;
function isIncompleteError(error) {
if (!useDebugger && (error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_ABORT"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_BINDING_ABORTED"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_NET_ON_SENDING_TO"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_NET_PARTIAL_TRANSFER"
|| error === "webRequest::NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED"))
// Firefox
return true;
return false;
function isImportantError(error) {
if (error.startsWith("webRequest::capture::") || error.startsWith("debugger::capture::"))
return true;
return false;
function isTrivialError(error) {
if (!useDebugger && error === "filterResponseData::Channel redirected")
// Firefox
return true;
return false;
// Merge a given old updatedTabId and a new tabId.
// `null` here means `any`.
function mergeUpdatedTabIds(updatedTabId, tabId) {
if (tabId === undefined)
return updatedTabId;
else if (updatedTabId === undefined)
return tabId;
else if (updatedTabId !== tabId)
return null;
return tabId;
// archival status of a loggable
const archivedViaExportAs = 1;
const archivedViaSubmitHTTP = 2;
function isArchivedVia(loggable, flag) {
if (loggable.archived === undefined)
loggable.archived = 0;
return (loggable.archived & flag) !== 0;
function newRearchiveVars() {
return {
andDelete: false,
andRewrite: false,
function updateRearchiveVars(rearchive, path) {
switch (path) {
case "rearchive.andDelete":
rearchive.andRewrite = rearchive.andRewrite && !rearchive.andDelete;
case "rearchive.andRewrite":
rearchive.andDelete = rearchive.andDelete && !rearchive.andRewrite;
// filter expression
let rrfilterDefaults = {
limit: null,
picked: null,
was_problematic: null,
problematic: null,
was_in_limbo: null,
in_limbo: null,
collected: null,
no_errors: null,
did_exportAs: null,
did_submitHTTP: null,
in_ls: null,
// loggable is accepted by the rrfilter
function isAcceptedBy(rrfilter, loggable) {
if (rrfilter === null)
return true;
if (rrfilter === undefined
|| (rrfilter.picked !== null && loggable.picked !== rrfilter.picked)
|| (rrfilter.was_problematic !== null && loggable.was_problematic !== rrfilter.was_problematic)
|| (rrfilter.problematic !== null && loggable.problematic !== rrfilter.problematic)
|| (rrfilter.was_in_limbo !== null && loggable.was_in_limbo !== rrfilter.was_in_limbo)
|| (rrfilter.in_limbo !== null && loggable.in_limbo !== rrfilter.in_limbo)
|| (rrfilter.collected !== null && loggable.collected !== rrfilter.collected)
|| (rrfilter.no_errors === false && loggable.errors.length === 0)
|| (rrfilter.no_errors === true && loggable.errors.length > 0)
|| (rrfilter.did_exportAs === false && (loggable.archived & archivedViaExportAs) !== 0)
|| (rrfilter.did_exportAs === true && (loggable.archived & archivedViaExportAs) === 0)
|| (rrfilter.did_submitHTTP === false && (loggable.archived & archivedViaSubmitHTTP) !== 0)
|| (rrfilter.did_submitHTTP === true && (loggable.archived & archivedViaSubmitHTTP) === 0)
|| (rrfilter.in_ls !== null && loggable.inLS !== rrfilter.in_ls))
return false;
return true;
function escapeNotification(config, what) {
if (config.escapeNotifications)
return escapeHTMLTags(what);
return what;
function annoyingNotification(config, what) {
if (config.verbose)
return `\n\nYou can disable this notification by toggling the "${what}" option in the settings.\nYou can also toggle "User Interface and Accessibily > Verbose notifications" there to make this and similar notifications less verbose.`;
return "";
function inheritTabConfigWorkOffline(config, tabcfg, tabcfgChildren) {
if (tabcfgChildren !== undefined)
tabcfgChildren.workOffline = tabcfg.workOffline;
if (config.workOfflineImpure) {
tabcfg.collecting = !tabcfg.workOffline;
if (tabcfgChildren !== undefined)
tabcfgChildren.collecting = !tabcfg.workOffline;