by Jan Malakhovski
Commit and push them into your public repository known to my pullingmachine. See bootstapping for the instructions.
Code sharing is not punished, but stealing others’ work without attribution is.
Commit frequently. Your commit history has to make sence. A huge piece of code that appeared magically from nowhere is considered stolen from somewhere.
Uninformative commit messages are punished.
I retain the rights to publish your repository with my comments at any time even if the source repository no longer exists. Google will find the results of your diligence, so will your future employer.
You’d better do nothing than mindlessly copy-paste-commit.
There is a week-long “midterm” at the end of a module which gives up to 40 points.
Homeworks give you up to 10 points per module, but you are allowed to use them only if your midterm mark is higher than C