is a computer scientist (Ph.D. in Computer Science, specifically, in Programming Language Theory), software and DevOps engineer, and constructive mathematician, on a quest to become a constructive polymath.
, ledger-cli
, GPX, personal medical devices, and similar;hoardy-web
, yt-dlp
, hoardy-mail
, hoardy-adb
, and similar;notmuch
, recoll
, and yet-unpublished tools of my own make;CHANGELOG
-> hoardy-web
, abarms
-> hoardy-adb
, imaparms
-> hoardy-mail
.If you find something I’ve done to be cool or useful, you can praise me by sending me a short email about it.
Don’t ask hard questions (or do ask, but don’t expect me to answer, I’m a perfectionist and hard questions usually require me to do research), don’t ask me to contribute to your project (or, well, do ask, but half of mine aren’t finished, so), just let me know something I made improved your quality of life or made you happy. Something like
rocks! Thanks!
will take a minute of your time and will make me happy for a day. I’m self-aware enough to notice that honest praise is the best motivator for me and that I spend most of my idle time thinking about things people wrote to me about.
If you think you have a better solution to a problem mentioned in notes or solved by a piece of software I use, please inform me by writing me an email about it.
I will probably link to the thing from the relevant page on this site and/or from the relevant project’s documentation, depending.
Similarly, I would be thankful if you would, in good faith, mention my stuff where it would be relevant, both on social media and in non-spam private communication.
Getting in touch with some friends? Mention cool stuff! Relevant gossip is the best advertisement, after all.
If you think one of my notes or software projects has an issue, bug, or just misses something obvious, write me an email about it or open an Issue on GitHub.
It’s nice to know what people are using my things for, even my answer to a feature request will likely be “eventually”. I’m trying my best fix any bugs in my software ASAP, though!
If you like something of mine enough to make a patch for one of my software projects or write and publish your own version of one of my more theoretical notes, please drop me an email about it.
I’d love to see if I can adopt some changes back from your work, or maybe I’ll just link to it, if it is relevant, but not useful to what I want my thing to do.
Yes, you get the idea. Emails. I love them. Thank you.
Also, you can drop some coins into one of my tip jars:
(Personally, I think everyone shold have their own indie cryptocurrency tip jars. Allowing Patreon and GitHub to control future livelihoods of potentially everyone makes me feel very paranoid. Isn’t it enough that Visa and MasterCard take 3% tax on the whole world economy already?)
To: Jan Malakhovski <>
over conventional SMTP.Subject:
Fingerprint: 514BB966B46E3565050886E80E6CA66E5C557AA8 (514B B966 B46E 3565 0508 86E8 0E6C A66E 5C55 7AA8). E.g. do
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 514BB966B46E3565050886E80E6CA66E5C557AA8