Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, mirroring, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
# Copyright (c) 2024 Jan Malakhovski <>
# This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""MIME types normalization and sniffing.
In general, this follows but
usually does more than mimesniff requires.
import enum as _enum
import re as _re
import typing as _t
from kisstdlib.exceptions import *
from .wire import parse_content_type_header
canonical_mime_of : dict[str, str]
canonical_mime_of = {
"application/x-grip": "application/gzip",
"application/rar-compressed": "application/rar",
"application/x-rar": "application/rar",
"application/x-rar-compressed": "application/rar",
"application/font-cff": "font/otf",
"application/font-off": "font/otf",
"application/font-sfnt": "font/otf",
"application/": "font/otf",
"application/": "font/otf",
"font/sfnt": "font/otf",
"application/font-ttf": "font/ttf",
"application/font-woff": "font/woff",
"application/font-woff2": "font/woff2",
"image/jpg": "image/jpeg",
"application/ecmascript": "text/javascript",
"application/javascript": "text/javascript",
"application/x-ecmascript": "text/javascript",
"application/x-javascript": "text/javascript",
"text/ecmascript": "text/javascript",
"text/javascript1.0": "text/javascript",
"text/javascript1.1": "text/javascript",
"text/javascript1.2": "text/javascript",
"text/javascript1.3": "text/javascript",
"text/javascript1.4": "text/javascript",
"text/javascript1.5": "text/javascript",
"text/jscript": "text/javascript",
"text/livescript": "text/javascript",
"text/x-ecmascript": "text/javascript",
"text/x-javascript": "text/javascript",
"application/json": "text/json",
"application/xml": "text/xml",
def canonicalize_mime(mime : str) -> str:
return canonical_mime_of.get(mime, mime)
mime_info_of : dict[str, tuple[list[str], list[str]]]
mime_info_of = {
"application/gzip": (["archive"], [".gz", ".gzip"]),
"application/ogg": (["audio", "video"], [".ogg"]),
"application/pdf": (["dyndoc"], [".pdf"]),
"application/postscript": (["dyndoc"], [".ps"]),
"application/rar": (["archive"], [".rar"]),
"application/zip": (["archive", "dyndoc"], [".zip", ".epub", ".apk"]), # "dyndoc" because of EPUB
"audio/aiff": (["audio"], [".aif", ".aiff", ".aifc"]),
"audio/midi": (["audio"], [".mid", ".midi"]),
"audio/mpeg": (["audio"], [".mp3"]),
"audio/wave": (["audio"], [".wav", ".pcm"]),
"font/collection": (["font"], [".ttc"]),
"font/otf": (["font"], [".otf", ".ttf"]), # OpenType is an extension of TrueType
"font/ttf": (["font"], [".ttf", ".otf"]), # their extensions are frequently mixed up
"font/woff": (["font"], [".woff"]),
"font/woff2": (["font"], [".woff2"]),
"image/bmp": (["image"], [".bmp"]),
"image/gif": (["image"], [".gif"]),
"image/jpeg": (["image"], [".jpg", ".jpeg"]),
"image/png": (["image"], [".png"]),
"image/svg+xml": (["image", "xml", "text"], [".svg"]),
"image/webp": (["image"], [".webp"]),
"image/x-icon": (["image"], [".ico"]),
"text/css": (["css", "text"], [".css", ".mcss"]),
"text/html": (["html", "text"], [".htm", ".html", ".xhtm", ".xhtml"]),
"text/javascript": (["javascript", "text"], [".js", ".mjs"]),
"text/json": (["json", "text"], [".json"]),
"text/plain": (["text"], [".txt"]),
"text/vtt": (["media", "text"], [".vtt"]),
"text/xml": (["xml", "text"], [".xml"]),
"video/avi": (["video"], [".avi"]),
"video/mp4": (["video"], [".mp4"]),
"video/webm": (["video"], [".webm"]),
# extension -> list[content_type]
possible_mimes_of_ext : dict[str, list[str]]
possible_mimes_of_ext = {}
for ct, (kinds, exts) in mime_info_of.items():
for ext in exts:
ms = possible_mimes_of_ext[ext]
except KeyError:
ms = []
possible_mimes_of_ext[ext] = ms
unknown_binary = ["unknown", "image", "audio", "video", "font", "dyndoc", "archive"]
any_text = ["text", "javascript", "css", "json"]
any_text_ext = [".txt", ".js", ".mjs" ".css", ".mcss", ".json"]
html_mime = ["text/html"]
stylesheet_mime = ["text/css"]
script_mime = ["text/javascript"]
image_mime = [
audio_mime = [
video_mime = [
font_mime = [
# these can contain one or both of audio and video
audio_video_mime = [
track_mime = ["text/vtt"]
media_mime = image_mime + audio_mime + video_mime + audio_video_mime
page_mime = html_mime + media_mime
css_url_mime = image_mime + font_mime
any_mime = page_mime + track_mime + stylesheet_mime + script_mime + ["application/octet-stream"]
buggy_content_type = frozenset([
# These headers are generated by buggy Apache versions,
# see
"text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1",
"text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1",
"text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
def _unknown_binary() \
-> tuple[list[str], str, str | None, list[str]]:
return unknown_binary, "application/octet-stream", None, []
def normalize_content_type(header : str) \
-> tuple[list[str] | None, str, str | None, list[str]]:
"""Parse and normalize "Content-type" header,
return (possible kinds | None, MIME type, charset | None, extensions).
ct, params = parse_content_type_header(header)
charset = None
for name, value in params:
if name == "charset":
charset = value
if header in buggy_content_type:
# force content sniffing
return None, ct, charset, []
ct = canonicalize_mime(ct)
kinds, exts = mime_info_of[ct]
except KeyError:
return kinds, ct, charset, exts
if ct == "application/octet-stream":
return _unknown_binary()
elif ct.startswith("image/"):
return ["image"], ct, charset, []
elif ct.startswith("audio/"):
return ["audio"], ct, charset, []
elif ct.startswith("video/"):
return ["video"], ct, charset, []
elif ct.startswith("font/") or ct.startswith("application/font-"):
return ["font"], ct, charset, []
elif ct.endswith("+zip"):
kinds, exts = mime_info_of["application/zip"]
return kinds, ct, charset, exts
elif ct.endswith("+xml"):
kinds, exts = mime_info_of["text/xml"]
return kinds, ct, charset, exts
elif ct.endswith("+json"):
kinds, exts = mime_info_of["text/json"]
return kinds, ct, charset, exts
return None, ct, charset, []
_pre = r"(?:\ufeff|\s)*"
html_sniff_re = _re.compile(rf"^{_pre}(?:<\?xml(?:\s[^>]*)?>\s*)?(?:<!--[\s\S]*-->\s*)*<(?:!doctype\shtml|html|head|meta|link|title|body|frameset|frame|iframe|style|font|script|header|nav|article|section|footer|table|thead|tbody|tfoot|th|tr|td|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|div|p|span|b|strong|i|em|strike|br|a)(?:\s[^>]*)?>", flags=_re.IGNORECASE)
svg_sniff_re = _re.compile(rf"^{_pre}(?:<\?xml(?:\s[^>]*)?>\s*)?(?:<!--[\s\S]*-->\s*)*<svg(?:\s[^>]*)?>", flags=_re.IGNORECASE)
xml_sniff_re = _re.compile(rf"^{_pre}<\?xml(?:\s[^>]*)?>", flags=_re.IGNORECASE)
def sniff_mime_type(data : str | bytes, charset : str | None) \
-> tuple[list[str], str, str | None, list[str]]:
"""Sniff MIME type value from given file content or file content prefix,
returns (possible kinds, MIME type, extensions, charset | None).
ct : str | None = None
if isinstance(data, bytes):
# image
if data.startswith(b"GIF87a") and data.startswith(b"GIF89a"):
ct = "image/gif"
elif data.startswith(b"RIFF") and data[8:14] == b"WEBPVP":
ct = "image/webp"
elif data.startswith(b"\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a"):
ct = "image/png"
elif data.startswith(b"\xff\xd8\xff") and data[6:10] == b"JFIF":
ct = "image/jpeg"
# audio and video
elif data.startswith(b"FORM") and data[8:12] == b"AIFF":
ct = "audio/aiff"
elif data.startswith(b"ID3"):
ct = "audio/mpeg"
elif data.startswith(b"OggS\x00"):
ct = "application/ogg"
elif data.startswith(b"MThd\x00\x00\x00\x06"):
ct = "audio/midi"
elif data.startswith(b"RIFF") and data[8:12] == b"WAVE":
ct = "audio/wave"
elif data.startswith(b"RIFF") and data[8:12] == b"AVI ":
ct = "video/avi"
# fonts
elif data.startswith(b"ttcf"):
ct = "font/collection"
elif data.startswith(b"OTTO"):
ct = "font/otf"
elif data.startswith(b"wOFF"):
ct = "font/woff"
elif data.startswith(b"wOF2"):
ct = "font/woff2"
# documents
elif data.startswith(b"%PDF-"):
ct = "application/pdf"
elif data.startswith(b"%!PS-Adobe-"):
ct = "application/postscript"
# archives
elif data.startswith(b"\x1f\x8b\x08"):
ct = "application/gzip"
elif data.startswith(b"PK\x03\x04"):
ct = "application/zip"
elif data.startswith(b"Rar \x1a\x07\x00"):
ct = "application/rar"
if ct is not None:
kinds, exts = mime_info_of[ct]
return kinds, ct, None, exts
# now, less certain ones
# image
if data.startswith(b"\x00\x00\x01\x00") or data.startswith(b"\x00\x00\x02\x00"):
ct = "image/x-icon"
elif data.startswith(b"BM"):
ct = "image/bmp"
elif data.startswith(b"\xff\xd8\xff"):
ct = "image/jpeg"
# font
elif data.startswith(b"\x00\x01\x00\x00"):
ct = "font/ttf"
elif data[34:36] == b"LP":
ct = canonicalize_mime("application/")
if ct is not None:
kinds, exts = mime_info_of[ct]
return kinds + ["unknown"], ct, None, exts
# TODO mp3 and mp4 headers
# text
if charset is not None:
# try the specified charset first
data = data.decode(charset)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# it's a lie
charset = None
if charset is None:
assert type(data) is bytes
# detect BOM marks
if data.startswith(b"\xef\xbb\xbf"):
charset = "utf-8"
elif data.startswith(b"\xff\xfe"):
charset = "utf-16le"
elif data.startswith(b"\xfe\xff"):
charset = "utf-16be"
if charset is not None:
# try decoding the final time
data = data.decode(charset)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return _unknown_binary()
if data.find(b"\x00") != -1:
return _unknown_binary()
# this appears to be text data in some unknown encoding,
# decode into ascii with replacements so that we could
# match it to detect markup via regexps below
data = data.decode("ascii", "replace")
# TODO: detect pure ascii and UTF-8 without replacements here too?
assert type(data) is str
assert ct is None
if html_sniff_re.match(data):
ct = "text/html"
elif svg_sniff_re.match(data):
ct = "image/svg+xml"
elif xml_sniff_re.match(data):
ct = "text/xml"
if ct is not None:
kinds, exts = mime_info_of[ct]
return kinds, ct, charset, exts
return any_text, "text/plain", charset, any_text_ext
def test_sniff_mime_type() -> None:
def check(want_mime : str, data : bytes | str) -> None:
kinds, mime, charset, extensions = sniff_mime_type(data, None)
if mime != want_mime:
raise CatastrophicFailure("while evaluating `sniff_mime_type` on %s, expected %s, got %s", data, want_mime, mime)
check("text/html", "<!DOCTYPE html><html>")
check("text/html", "\ufeff<!DOCTYPE html><html>")
check("text/html", """<!DOCTYPE html>
check("text/html", """
<!DOCTYPE html>
check("text/html", """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- comment -->
check("text/html", """
<!-- comment -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
check("text/html", """
<!-- multi
comment -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
check("text/html", """
<!-- comment1 -->
<!-- comment2 -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
check("text/html", """
<!-- comment
<!-- in comment -->
of comment -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
check("text/html", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en">""")
check("text/html", """<html style="" lang="en">""")
check("text/html", """<a>test</a>""")
check("image/svg+xml", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><svg>""")
check("image/svg+xml", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- comment -->
check("image/svg+xml", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- multi
comment -->
check("image/svg+xml", """<svg>""")
check("text/xml", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>""")
check("text/xml", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- comment -->
check("text/xml", """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- multi
comment -->
check("text/xml", """<?xml>""")
check("text/plain", "example")
class SniffContentType(_enum.Enum):
NONE = 0
DiscernContentType = tuple[set[str], str, str | None, list[str]]
def discern_content_type(ct : str | None, sniff : SniffContentType, data : str | bytes) \
-> DiscernContentType:
"""Given `Content-type` HTTP header, sniff value, and actual content body,
return (possible kinds, MIME type, charset | None, extensions).
kinds : list[str] | None
extensions : list[str]
if ct is None:
kinds, mime, charset, extensions = None, "application/octet-stream", None, []
kinds, mime, charset, extensions = normalize_content_type(ct)
if kinds is None:
kinds, mime, charset, extensions = sniff_mime_type(data, charset)
skinds = set(kinds)
elif sniff != SniffContentType.NONE:
kinds_, mime_, charset_, extensions_ = sniff_mime_type(data, charset)
skinds = set(kinds)
skinds_ = set(kinds_)
if sniff == SniffContentType.PARANOID:
# union possible interpretations
# sniffed version wins
mime = mime_
extensions = extensions_
elif mime != mime_:
# intersect possible interpretations
# sniffed version wins
mime = mime_
# but union possible extensions
extensions += [e for e in extensions_ if e not in extensions]
# sniffed charset always wins
# TODO: make them a list too?
charset = charset_ or charset
skinds = set(kinds)
return skinds, mime, charset, extensions