Passively capture, archive, and hoard your web browsing history, including the contents of the pages you visit, for later offline viewing, replay, mirroring, data scraping, and/or indexing. Your own personal private Wayback Machine that can also archive HTTP POST
requests and responses, as well as most other HTTP
-level data.
# Copyright (c) 2024 Jan Malakhovski <>
# This file is a part of `hoardy-web` project.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
"""Generic filter generators."""
import dataclasses as _dc
import logging as _logging
import re as _re
import typing as _t
from gettext import gettext
class ConditionUsage:
evaluated: int
matched: int
ConditionsKeyType = _t.TypeVar("ConditionsKeyType")
ConditionsValueType = _t.TypeVar("ConditionsValueType")
Conditions = dict[ConditionsKeyType, tuple[ConditionsValueType, ConditionUsage]]
def mk_conditions(
fk: _t.Callable[[str], ConditionsKeyType],
fv: _t.Callable[[str], ConditionsValueType],
attrs: _t.Iterable[str],
) -> Conditions[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType]:
res: Conditions[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType] = {}
for v in attrs:
res[fk(v)] = fv(v), ConditionUsage(0, 0)
return res
ConditionsGivenType = _t.TypeVar("ConditionsGivenType")
PredicateMatchesType: _t.TypeAlias = _t.Callable[
_t.Callable[[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType, ConditionsGivenType], bool],
Conditions[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType],
def matches_all(
predicate: _t.Callable[[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType, ConditionsGivenType], bool],
c: Conditions[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType],
given: ConditionsGivenType,
) -> bool:
for k, vu in c.items():
v, usage = vu
usage.evaluated += 1
if not predicate(k, v, given):
return False
usage.matched += 1
return True
def matches_any(
predicate: _t.Callable[[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType, ConditionsGivenType], bool],
c: Conditions[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType],
given: ConditionsGivenType,
) -> bool:
for k, vu in c.items():
v, usage = vu
usage.evaluated += 1
if predicate(k, v, given):
usage.matched += 1
return True
return False
def matches_key_in(
c: Conditions[ConditionsKeyType, ConditionsValueType], keys: _t.Iterable[ConditionsKeyType]
) -> bool:
for k in keys:
vu = c.get(k, None)
if vu is not None:
_u, usage = vu
usage.matched += 1
return True
return False
def str_id(x: str) -> str:
return x
FilterNameType: _t.TypeAlias = str
FilterValueType = _t.TypeVar("FilterValueType")
FilterType = tuple[int, _t.Callable[[FilterValueType], bool], _t.Callable[[], None]]
def mk_simple_filter(
get_attr: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], list[str]],
get_optname: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], str],
name: FilterNameType,
yes: bool,
fv: _t.Callable[[str], ConditionsValueType],
matches: _t.Callable[[Conditions[str, ConditionsValueType], FilterValueType], bool],
) -> FilterType[FilterValueType]:
cmps = mk_conditions(str_id, fv, get_attr(name))
num = len(cmps)
def allows(v: FilterValueType) -> bool:
res = matches(cmps, v)
return res if yes else not res
def warn() -> None:
warn_redundant(get_optname(name), yes, cmps)
return num, allows, warn
def str_lower(x: str) -> str:
return x.lower()
def re_compile(x: str) -> _re.Pattern[str]:
return _re.compile(x)
def pred_has_prefix(_k: _t.Any, p: str, vs: _t.Iterable[str]) -> bool:
for v in vs:
if v.startswith(p):
return True
return False
def pred_fullmatch_re(_k: _t.Any, p: _re.Pattern[str], vs: _t.Iterable[str]) -> bool:
for v in vs:
if p.fullmatch(v):
return True
return False
OptionallyDeferredList = list[ConditionsValueType] | _t.Callable[[], list[ConditionsValueType]]
StrFilterInputType = tuple[list[str], OptionallyDeferredList[str]]
def mk_str_filter(
get_attr: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], list[str]],
get_optname: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], str],
name: FilterNameType,
yes: bool,
fk: _t.Callable[[str], str],
fp: _t.Callable[[str], str],
get_inputs: _t.Callable[[FilterValueType], StrFilterInputType],
) -> FilterType[FilterValueType]:
name_p = name + "_prefix"
name_re = name + "_re"
exacts = mk_conditions(fk, str_id, get_attr(name))
prefixes = mk_conditions(str_id, fp, get_attr(name_p))
reres = mk_conditions(str_id, re_compile, get_attr(name_re))
num = len(exacts) + len(prefixes) + len(reres)
def allows(v: FilterValueType) -> bool:
ks, rs = get_inputs(v)
res = (
len(exacts) > 0
and matches_key_in(exacts, ks)
or len(prefixes) > 0
and matches_any(pred_has_prefix, prefixes, ks)
or len(reres) > 0
and matches_any(pred_fullmatch_re, reres, rs if isinstance(rs, list) else rs())
return res if yes else not res
def warn() -> None:
warn_unmatched(get_optname(name), exacts)
warn_redundant(get_optname(name_p), yes, prefixes)
warn_redundant(get_optname(name_re), yes, reres)
return num, allows, warn
PatternSB = tuple[_re.Pattern[str], _re.Pattern[bytes]]
IterSB: _t.TypeAlias = _t.Iterable[str | bytes]
def pred_grep(_k: _t.Any, rere: PatternSB, vs: IterSB) -> bool:
rec, brec = rere
for v in vs:
if isinstance(v, str):
if is not None:
return True
if is not None:
return True
return False
def mk_grep_filter(
get_attr: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], list[str]],
get_optname: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], str],
name: FilterNameType,
yes: bool,
ignore_case: bool | None,
matches: PredicateMatchesType[str, PatternSB, IterSB],
get_inputs: _t.Callable[[FilterValueType], IterSB],
) -> FilterType[FilterValueType]:
def grep_re_compile(x: str) -> tuple[_re.Pattern[str], _re.Pattern[bytes]]:
# smart case
flags = _re.IGNORECASE if ignore_case is True or ignore_case is None and x.islower() else 0
return _re.compile(x, flags), _re.compile(x.encode("utf-8"), flags)
def grep_str_compile(x: str) -> tuple[_re.Pattern[str], _re.Pattern[bytes]]:
return grep_re_compile(_re.escape(x))
name_re = name + "_re"
pieces = mk_conditions(str_id, grep_str_compile, get_attr(name))
reres = mk_conditions(str_id, grep_re_compile, get_attr(name_re))
num = len(pieces) + len(reres)
def allows(v: FilterValueType) -> bool:
ms = get_inputs(v)
res = (
len(pieces) > 0
and matches(pred_grep, pieces, ms)
or len(reres) > 0
and matches(pred_grep, reres, ms)
return res if yes else not res
def warn() -> None:
warn_redundant(get_optname(name), yes, pieces)
warn_redundant(get_optname(name_re), yes, reres)
return num, allows, warn
FilterParamSpec = _t.ParamSpec("FilterParamSpec")
def add_yn_filter(
dest: list[FilterType[FilterValueType]],
get_attr: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], list[str]],
get_optname: _t.Callable[[FilterNameType], str],
name: FilterNameType,
mk_filter: _t.Callable[
_t.Callable[[FilterNameType], list[str]],
_t.Callable[[FilterNameType], str],
*args: FilterParamSpec.args,
**kwargs: FilterParamSpec.kwargs,
) -> None:
dest.append(mk_filter(get_attr, get_optname, name, True, *args, **kwargs))
dest.append(mk_filter(get_attr, get_optname, "not_" + name, False, *args, **kwargs))
def merge_non_empty_filters(
filters: list[FilterType[FilterValueType]],
) -> FilterType[FilterValueType]:
non_empty = list(filter(lambda e: e[0] > 0, filters))
num = sum(map(lambda e: e[0], non_empty))
if num == 0:
def allows(v: FilterValueType) -> bool: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
return True
def allows(v: FilterValueType) -> bool:
return all(map(lambda e: e[1](v), non_empty))
def warn() -> None:
for e in non_empty:
return num, allows, warn
never_matched = gettext("filter `%s` `%s` is redundant: it matched no inputs")
def warn_unmatched(opt: str, m: Conditions[_t.Any, _t.Any]) -> None:
for _u, rest in m.items():
what, usage = rest
if usage.matched == 0:
_logging.warning(never_matched, opt, what)
never_evaluated = gettext("filter `%s` `%s` is redundant: it was never even evaluated")
none_match = gettext("filter `%s` `%s` is redundant: it matched no inputs it was evaluated on")
every_match = gettext("filter `%s` `%s` is redundant: it matched all inputs it was evaluated on")
def warn_redundant(opt: str, yes: bool, m: Conditions[_t.Any, _t.Any]) -> None:
if yes:
none = none_match
every = every_match
none = every_match
every = none_match
for what, rest in m.items():
_u, usage = rest
if usage.evaluated == 0:
_logging.warning(never_evaluated, opt, what)
elif usage.matched == 0:
_logging.warning(none, opt, what)
elif usage.evaluated == usage.matched:
_logging.warning(every, opt, what)